Campaign Issues


The public utility water system needs urgent attention as it is currently operating at strained capacity during peak hours. Although new projects by 2025 should help, planning for additional water and sewer systems must begin now to support growth. I recommend promoting residential, MUD, and business water conservation education and exploring alternative water sources like the Brazos River.

Continuing to maintain a safe community is crucial, requiring an effective Police Department. There is currently a shortage of officers due to high statewide demand. To support recruitment, we should provide tools to attract and hire experienced, well-trained officers.

Traffic safety is a significant concern, particularly along the FM 359 corridor. Efforts will involve close collaboration with developers, residents, and businesses to lobby TXDOT for improved planning, addition of turning lanes, and traffic control lights to enhance safety on the roads and local streets. 


                                                    These and  many additional issues face Fulshear, Texas.                                                          Randy Connor will tackle them and make our community a great place!

My Platform

Sustainable/Manageable Growth
Make certain that the growth of Fulshear can be maintained within the capacities of the
infrastructure, roads and streets, police department and other city departments.

Public Safety
Enhancing community policing efforts and investing in modern equipment and training. Focus on crime prevention through community outreach and education programs. Assist the police department with recruitment to maintain a fully staffed team of first responders.

Education and Youth Programs
Develop additional after-school/weekend programs and recreational activities to keep youth
engaged and off the streets.  Develop a plan to construct a girls softball complex in Fulshear.

Economic and Fiscal Responsibility
Ensure the City maintains financial stability and uses local tax revenues efficiently and
responsibly. Be aware of Federal, State and County grants to supplement tax revenues.

Environmental Sustainability
Implementing green initiatives such as expanding parks and green spaces and investing in
renewable energy sources. Encourage development projects to retain native trees, plants, and grasses.

Economic Development
Supporting local businesses through grants and subsidies, creating job training programs, and
attracting new industries to the city. Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation by providing
resources and support for startups.


Community Identity

Overdevelopment is straining infrastructure, reducing green spaces, eroding the small-town vibe, and causing traffic congestion. My priorities are strategic planning and community upkeep. I will collaborate with planners and residents to preserve native vegetation and support the Downtown Project to attract local businesses.

Support the Primrose Park phase 3 bond election to boost parkland offering additional recreation for families and seniors. Promote local events (i.e.: Fulshear Freedom Fest) to foster community pride and economic vitality.  Work with US Congressman Nehls’ Fulshear office to obtain funding for expansion of the current  facility or a new Fulshear Post Office.

This platform aims to build a more sustainable, equitable, and thriving community for all residents.


On May 3rd, vote for Randy Connor for City Council At-Large.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the candidate.

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